Rush Over Me....

I snapped this photo at the Summer Palace while I was waiting around for the sunset. It was a very impromptu visit as I noticed it was a clear day and I wanted to get out to take photos. I didn’t really notice that it was very windy until I got outside. I figured it’d be warm enough in the sun, right? Just about. I’m just glad I didn’t go in shorts & t-shirt. 

I was really liking the movement of the water here and wanted to try a different angle. I got pretty low and snapped a few shots to see what I’d get. I ended up getting as close as possible to the shore and snapping as many photos as possible. When the wind would pick up and I’d feel water on my face, I’d back up and see what I got. 

I was shooting in Live Mode and trying to frame the shot without falling into the water. I really loved this effect I was getting that made it seem like the water was about to rush over me. I really wanted to get closer but there was literally no closer to get without being in the water. And I’m pretty sure that isn’t allowed at the Summer Palace. (; 

I’ve been working on creating more drama in my photos via editing. A lot of this is from the Joel Grimes class I finished a few weeks ago. I am really liking this process. Before, I had a hard time connecting all the pieces into a consistent work flow, but watching Joel go through his workflow helped me see how he connects bits here and there. He keeps pointing out that these softwares are tools that do very specific things. 

As I do this workflow more and more, I am learning what works and what doesn’t work. What to look for and what to pre-visualize before taking the photos. I’m very eager to get out and take more photos with the knowledge that I have these tools to work with later. 

Let me know what you think of the shot. Too much? I had a hard time deciding on the vignette because I felt like the image was unbalanced. I kind of wanted the island in the center but I also wanted the full bridge in the shot. Though, now I’m seeing that the construction makes it look like part of the bridge is missing. 

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"Adding some drama..."


"Do what you must to do what you love.”