"Do what you must to do what you love.”

You would think with “all this time” I’d be able to write more. Part of me doesn’t even want to write this because I’m really not in the mood to. Another part of me is telling that part of me we can always delete this and no one would know. Then another part of me says that both of those parts are wrong and you already sent this out! Dorks!

Finding the space to write isn’t natural to me and I have to discipline myself to. Writing about my work is even more difficult. I would much rather just take photos and make a living doing that. Over the last month, I have been taking a number of photography classes. It is quite inspiring to see the amount of work that guys like Joel Grimes or Max Rive put into their work. It is also interesting to contrast the different approaches to the business side. I know that I often don’t like getting into the business of it, but I do love the photo taking it. A photographer you mentored me for a bit, David Leeson, used to tell me “do what you must to do what you love.” I just thought that meant talking to people. Ha!

Part of the “must” is letting you know of ways to support what I love to do. I have a few ways to do that and the one I’ll talk about in this post is Patreon. I recently wrote a post on there about how Patreon helps add another level of purpose to my work. It helps me focus my words before sharing elsewhere. It also has helped me flush out some thoughts for personal projects I’m doing. Basically its a place for me to rant and rave! Well… not really. Most of what I post on Patreon eventually ends up on my website or social media but a lot of it doesn’t. My goal is to get 50 more patrons over the next month and start creating more content there. You can sign up for as little as $2 a month. 

Please go check out my Patreon page to see what I’m offering if you are willing to support my photography. Thank you very much for your time. I know this is a difficult time and any support is appreciated. Even just sharing this with friends would be appreciated. 

I am in the process of updating and customizing my online photo print store. Really glad that the site I’m using has updated a bit to allow me to sell custom products. I’m really excited about some of the recent photos I have gotten this winter/spring. The one above is gonna be in an online exhibition in Lisbon, Portugal. Though, if it’s online, is it really “in” Portugal?

There are other ways you could support my photography. Share this post on social media, email me a review of my work, offer me some feedback. Every bit helps and thank you so much for what support you decide to offer!


Rush Over Me....


"Here Comes the Sun"