"Here Comes the Sun"

While waiting for the sun to rise over Huanghacheng, the first two lines of “Here Comes the Sun” kept playing in my head. Maybe it was getting out and taking photos again. Maybe it was the effort made to get here in time. Maybe it was coming here with a good friend. Maybe it was all the memories connected to this section of the Wall. Probably a combination of all that and then some. Anyways, I just loved being here and being reminded that “it’s all right.” 

I marked this shot up in my head as I climbed (literally at times) up the Great Wall. I saw the shot and knew it’d be better on the way down with some light. Of course, I didn’t realize the light would be so good on that tower! I just wanted it to come a bit out of the shadows. In the past, I might not have been as patient to come back for this shot. I may have taken a few shots, not liked them and not bothered later. I guess there are advantages to age and going back the way you came. 


"Do what you must to do what you love.”


Roadside Storm